Friday, September 7, 2012

scents for strange women

If there's something I'll never deny it's that I'm a little witchy. I like things that are dark and weird and maybe a little creepy. If you look at my pinterest account you'll mostly see blurry pictures of models with disheveled hair in sparse forests at night wearing nightgowns and looking confused. And things with skulls on them. And VELVET. I LOVE VELVETY THINGS YOU GUYS.

As a kid I wanted a (talking) black cat and magical powers. My mom being the most patient and understanding person in the world, she took me to magic shops and bought me books, candles and weird medievalish clothing and let me practice spells in the back yard. Turns out that wasn't really for me, and now I'm a grownwomanperson and I have an office-y job, no discipline for religion and near deadly cat allergies.  I manage to keep the flame going subtly; I own a couple of tarot decks. I keep up with moon cycles. Every now and then I'll treat myself to a witch movie marathon. I wear the aforementioned velvet sparingly. And I wear Decadence and Debauchery by For Strange Women.

I don't know how I stumbled upon For Strange Women on Etsy but I'm very glad I did . I waded through a virtual see of damask prints and cogs hotglued on things and found a real olfactory jewel.

It was not love at first smell. I don't know what I expected exactly, but it wasn't what I was smelling when I opened the bottle of perfume oil. I put it on anyway and kept getting surprised throughout the day. Like, "what's that smell?" it was lovely. It was mysterious and kind of sexy. It was on me! Now that summer is winding down I'm coming back to it with a vengeance. 

I've order samples of Winter Kitty, Moss & Ivy and November in the Temperate Deciduous Forest and they're equally lovely. My next purchase will probably be her natural cologne oils, which also come in sample kits. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go spend another 2 hours searching for the perfect lace up ankle boot on Etsy. 

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