Sunday, August 26, 2012

organize your life

I've been using Wunderlist to try and organize my life - so far it's been working pretty well. You can organize tasks into groups and by date and even share them with other people who use it as well, so Aidan and I have one for things that we need to get done at home. Here's what it looks like:

I'm also interested in trying another of their products called Wunderkit, where you can organize tasks by projects, much like what I've been trying to do with Podio at work. I'm still figuring it out, but so far it seems like a great tool to colaborate on projects. Seeing as how we're getting outside help again for certain projects (no need to use it for just the boss and myself) I'm looking forward to getting the hang of using it.

Aidan has been messing around with the free trial of Things available for Mac, which seems like a much more in depth organizational tool than Wunderlist - but then again, as he said "you might end up spending more time tweaking things in Things than actually getting stuff done".

Here's what I've been listening to all evening : Girls Got Rhythm mix from Suicide Watch - all girl fronted punk and post punk playlist. It's excellent but it could use some Rita Mitsoukos. I'm just sayin', The No Comprendo has been spending a lot of time on the record player.